Monday, August 17, 2009

Mini Face Lift

There are many ways to reposition and tighten the Facial skin and soft tissue structures of the face. The ability to limit the scarring is One of the most significant recent developments in facial aesthetic surgery . They are known by various names such as the short-scar facelift, mini facelift,the weekend facelift and the S-lift.

A mini facelift /short-scar facelift/S-lift/the weekend facelift is designed to improve advanced facial aging in the mid-face, cheek, and lower eyelid. This procedure will help to re-establish facial balance, giving an overall lift to the neck and lower third of the face. It Takes only about 1 to 2 Hours,Temporary discomfort, bruising, and numbness are only the Side Effects and After 1 week you will be Recovered.Traditional facelift surgery treats all sections of the face.

It can be performed quickly and involves a shorter recovery period than traditional facelift surgery.A mini facelift is a highly individualised procedure.Consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon can help a patient attain the information needed to make the right decision about mini facelift surgery.

If you want to remove minor sagging or drooping around the cheeks, jowls, and neck area, and take off about five years of age from your face, but you don't want to undergo more intensive surgery, then you could be a good candidate for a mini facelift.

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